王金龙 医师 Ging-Long Wang

参与医疗团队: 缓和医疗团队, 身心团队


  • 癌症病人及家属之情绪调适
  • 焦虑症
  • 忧郁症
  • 心理肿瘤医学
  • 医学教育
  • 失智症评估


  • 台湾大学医学院医学系医学士                     1957.09~1964.06
  • 美国密歇根大学医学中心精神科住院医师           1967.07 -1970.06
  • 美国密歇根大学医学中心儿童青少年精神科专研医师1969.07 -1971.06
  • 美国密西根大学医学暨公共卫生学硕士             1970.09~1971.12


  • 和信治癌中心医院身心科主任                    2000.09~迄今
  • 和信治癌中心医院缓和医疗科主任                2007.07~迄今
  • 和信治癌中心医院医学生教育推展中心主任         2006.07~迄今
  • 阳明大学医学院医学系精神学科教授级临床教师  2007.02~迄今


  • 美国加卅柏克莱(Berkeley)及核桃磎(Walnut Creek),
  • 精神科及儿童青少年精神科开业                   1972.07~2000.06
  • 美国加州大学旧金山分校医学院精神科临床副教授1986.09~1994.06


  • 台湾医学会
  • 台湾精神医学会
  • 台湾儿童青少年精神医学会
  • 台湾心理肿瘤医学学会
  • 美国精神医学会
  • 美国儿童青少年精神医学会
  • 国际心理肿瘤学会



  1. Wang GL, Hsu SH, Yeh TS, Chen SH, Yang SJ, Hou YC, Wang CJ. Educating staff and patients on providing advance directive information upon admission to a cancer center in Taiwan. Psycho-Oncology 2009; 18(Suppl.2):S299.
  2.  Wang GL, Yang SJ, Chiu CY, et al. Self selection for psychosocial        intervention by patients at a cancer center screened by Distress Thermometer as the “6th Vital Sign”. Psycho-Oncology 2009; 18(Suppl.2):S239.
  3.  Wang GL, Shih SM, Feng AC, Hsu SH, Hou YC. Screening breast cancer survivors with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Distress Thermometer. Psycho-Oncology2010; 19(Suppl.2): S205.
  4. Shih SM, Wang GL, Feng AC, Hsu SH, Hou YC, Chen SH, Cheng CT. How anxiety, depression and physical side effects predict fear of recurrence in breast cancer survivors in Taiwan. Psycho-Oncology2010; 19(Suppl.2): S262.
  5. Hsu SH, Shih SM, Feng AC, Wang GL, Hou YC, Chen SH, Cheng CT. Factors associated with psychosocial distress in early breast cancer survivors in Taiwan. Psycho-Oncology2010; 19(Suppl.2): S207-208.
  6. Cheng CT, Hsu SH, Hou YC, Feng AC, Wang, GL, Chen SH. Mental health of different healthcare professionals in a cancer hospital. Psycho-Oncology2010; 19(Suppl.2): S207.
  7. Wang GL, Yeh TS, Hsu SH, Cheng CT, Hou YC. Introducing advance directives document, the Five Wishes, to a cancer center in Taiwan. Psycho-Oncology 2010; 20(Suppl.2): S45.
  8. Wang GL, Cheng CT, Hsu SH. Meeting the unmet needs: the organizational strategies to facilitate access to psychosocial care for cancer patients. Psycho-Oncology 2011; 20(Suppl.2): S45.
  9. Wang GL, Shih SM, Hsu SH, Hou YC, Feng AC, Cheng CT.Physical problems and psychosocial distress in breast cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology 2011; 20(Suppl.2): 255.
  10. Wang GL, Hsu SH, Feng AC, Chiu CY, Shen JF, Lin YJ. The DT and the HADS for screening psychosocial distress of cancer patients in Taiwan. Psycho-Oncology 2011; 20: 639-64.
  11. Wang GL, Feng AC, Hsu SH, Hou YC, Cheng CT. The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Psychosocial Distress in Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patients. (14th World Congress of the International Psycho-Oncology Society, Brisbane, Australia, 13-15 Nov. 2012.)
  12. Wang GL, Feng AC, Hsu SH, Hou YC, Cheng CT, Chiu CY. Follow-up Contacts with the Psychosocial Care Team after Screening for Distress in Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patients. (14th World Congress of the International Psycho-Oncology Society, Brisbane, Australia, 13-15 Nov. 2012.)
  13.  Ho SMY, Law LSC, Wang GL, Shih SM, Hsu SH and Hou YC. Psychometric analysis of the Chinese version of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory with cancer patients in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Psycho-Oncology 2013;22: 715–719.
  14. Wang GL, Shih SM, Hou YC, Hsu SH, Feng AC, Cheng CT, Lin PH. Trajectories of psychosocial distress and its correlation with physical problems, social support, coping styles and posttraumatic growth among breast cancer survivors.  (15th World Congress of the International Psycho-Oncology Society, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Nov. 2013.)
  15. Cheng CT, Hou YC, Hsu SH, Lin PH, Wang GL. Mental Health of health care providers in a cancer hospital – a three year follow-up. (15th World Congress of the International Psycho-Oncology Society, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Nov. 2013.)


Copyright © 医疗财团法人辜公亮基金会和信治癌中心医院 台湾 台北市北投区立德路125号 电话:(02) 2897-0011 / (02) 6603-0011