程宗彥 醫師 Tsung-Yen Cheng
參與醫療團隊: 乳癌團隊, 肝癌及上消化系癌團隊, 內分泌腫瘤團隊
- 內分泌外科(甲狀腺、副甲狀腺、胰、腎上腺)
- 消化器外科(胰、胃腸道、肝、膽)、脾臟手術
- 微創手術(腹腔鏡、機械手臂)
- 乳房外科
- 後腹腔腫瘤手術
- 台北醫學院 醫學系 學士 1984.10~1991.06
- 和信治癌中心醫院 一般外科 主治醫師 1998.08~迄今
- 美國杜克大學醫學中心 Surgical Oncology Fellow 2002.07~2003.06
- 台北榮民總醫院 一般外科 總住院醫師 1997.07~1998.06
- 台北榮民總醫院 一般外科 住院醫師 1993.06~1997.06
- 台北市醫師公會會員
- 台灣外科醫學會會員
- 台灣乳房醫學會會員
- 台灣消化系外科醫學會會員
- 台灣內分泌外科醫學會會員
- Cheng TY, Su CH, Shyr YM, Lui WY. Management of pancreatic lesions in von Hippel-Lindau disease. World J Surg 1997; 21:307-312.
- Abdel-Wahab Z, Kalady MF, Emani S, Onaitis MW, Abdel-Wahab OI, Cisco R, Wheless L, Cheng TY, Tyler DS, Pruitt SK. Induction of anti-melanoma CTL response using DC transfected with mutated mRNA encoding full-length Melan-A/MART-1 antigen with an A27L amino acid substitution. Cell Immunol 2003; 224:86-97.
- Cheng TY, Grubbs E, Abdul-Wahab O, Leu SY, Hung CF, Petros W, Aloia T, Fedrau R, Pruitt S, Colvin M, Friedman H, Tyler D. Marked variability of melphalan plasma drug levels during regional hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion. Am J Surg 2003; 186:460-467.
- Grubbs EG, Abdel-Wahab O, Cheng TY, Abdel-Wahab Z, Peterson B, Pruitt SK, Colvin OM, Friedman HS, Tyler DS. In-transit melanoma: The role of alkylating-agent resistance in regional therapy. J Am Coll Surg 2004; 199:419-427.
- Grubbs EG, Ueno T, Abdel-Wahab O, Cheng TY, Pruitt SK, Michael Colvin O, Friedman HS, Tyler DS. Modulation of resistance to regional chemotherapy in the extremity melanoma model. Surgery 2004; 136:210-218.
- Huang Y, Tsung JS, Lin CW, Cheng TY. Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma component. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2004; 34:476-480.
- Abdel-Wahab OI, Grubbs E, Viglianti BL, Cheng TY, Ueno T, Ko S, Rabbani Z, Curtis S, Pruitt SK, Dewhirst MW, Tyler DS. The role of hyperthermia in regional alkylating agent chemotherapy. Clin Cancer Res 2004; 10:5919-5929.
- Aloia TA, Grubbs E, Onaitis M, Mosca PJ, Cheng TY, Seigler H, Tyler DS. Predictors of outcome after hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion: role of tumor response. Arch Surg 2005; 140:1115-1120.
- Shih NN, Tsung JS, Yang AH, Tsou MH, Cheng TY. A unique pancreatic tumor with exclusive hepatocytic differentiation. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2006; 36:216-221.
- Ueno T, Ko SH, Grubbs E, Yoshimoto Y, Augustine C, Abdel-Wahab Z, Cheng TY, Abdel-Wahab OI, Pruitt SK, Friedman HS, Tyler DS. Modulation of chemotherapy resistance in regional therapy: a novel therapeutic approach to advanced extremity melanoma using intra-arterial temozolomide in combination with systemic O6-benzylguanine. Mol Cancer Ther 2006; 5:732-738.
- Cheng TY, Sheth K, White RR, Ueno T, Hung CF, Clary BM, Pappas TN, Tyler DS. Effect of neoadjuvant chemoradiation on operative mortality and morbidity for pancreaticoduodenectomy. Ann Surg Oncol 2006; 13:66-74.
- Beasley GM, Petersen RP, Yoo J, McMahon N, Aloia T, Petros W, Sanders G, Cheng TY, Pruitt SK, Seigler H, Tyler DS. Isolated limb infusion for in-transit malignant melanoma of the extremity: a well-tolerated but less effective alternative to hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion. Ann Surg Oncol 2008; 15:2195-2205.
- McMahon N, Cheng TY, Beasley GM, Spasojevic I, Petros W, Augustine CK, Zipfel P, Padussis JC, Sanders G, Tyler DS. Optimizing melphalan pharmacokinetics in regional melanoma therapy: does correcting for ideal body weight alter regional response or toxicity? Ann Surg Oncol 2009; 16:953-961.
- Cheng TY, Chen CM, Lee MY, Lin KJ, Hung CF, Yang PS, Yu BL, Yang CE, Tsai TJ, Lin CW. Risk Factors Associated with Conversion from Nonmalignant to Malignant Diagnosis After Surgical Excision of Breast Papillary Lesions. Ann Surg Oncol 2009, 16:3375-3379.
- Shih-Hsuan Wu, Ben-Long Yu, Chii-Ming Chen, Chen-En Yang, Tzu-Jung Tsai, Chung-Wei Lin, Tsung-Yen Cheng, Dong-Ling You, Yu-Yi Huang, Pei-Ing Lee, Mei-Hua Tsou, Ming-Yuan Lee, Ai-Ying Chuang, Wen-Hui Ku, Christopher K.J. Lin, Woan-Chwen Jaw, Wan-Chen Tsai, Po-Sheng Yang. Experience with Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Early Breast Cancer Patients at a Cancer Center. J. Cancer Res. Pract. 26(1), 21-27, 2010
- Wang YH, Cheng TY, Chen TY, Chang KM, Chuang VP, Kao KJ. Plasmalemmal Vesicle Associated Protein (PLVAP) as a therapeutic target for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2014;14:815.
- Chia-Yuan Chang, Tsung-Yen Cheng, Chen-Fang Hung, Ben-Long Yu, Tzu-Jung Tsai, Chung-Wei Lin. Gallstone formation after gastrectomy for adenocarcinoma of the stomach. Formosan Journal of Surgery (2015)48, 198-202.
- Chung-Wei Lin, Tzu-Jung Tsai, Tsung-Yen Cheng, Hung-Kuang Wei, Chen-Fang Hung, Yin-Yin Chen, Chii-Ming Chen. The learning curve of laparoscopic liver resection after the Louisville statement 2008: Will it be more effective and smooth? Surgical Endoscopy 2015
- Cheng TY, Su CH, Shyr YM, Lui WY, “Pancreatic lesions in von Hippel-Lindau disease” in 54th General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association, R.O.C., 1995
- Cheng TY, Su CH, Shyr YM, Lui WY, “Pancreatic lesions in von Hippel-Lindau disease” in the 3rd Congress of Asian Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, Seoul, Korea, 1995
- Cheng TY, Su CH, Shyr YM, Lui WY, “Endocrine carcinoma of gall bladder- a case report” in 56th General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association, R.O.C., 1997
- Cheng TY, Lin YM, Chuang VP, “Surgical treatment for HCC with portal vein thrombosis” in 60th General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association, R.O.C., 2001
- Cheng TY, Shaw CS, Tsou MH, “Malignant rhabdoid tumor of duodenum- a case report “ in 60th General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association, R.O.C., 2001
- Cheng TY, Shaw CS, “Mesenteric fibromatosis with bowel obstruction- a case report “ in 60th General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association, R.O.C., 2001
- Cheng TY, Cheng TI, “Idiopathic portal hypertension managed with distal spleno-renal shunt- a case report” in 61st General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association, R.O.C., 2002
- Cheng TY, Aloia T, Abdel-Wahab O, et al. “Variability of Drug Dosing in Regional Limb Perfusion for Melanoma” in 27th Annual Surgical Symphsium of Association of VA Surgeons, May 2003, Nashville, TN, USA
- Cheng TY, White R, Ueno T, et al. “ Effects of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation on Operative Mortality and Morbidity for Pancreaticoduodenectomy” in 57th Annual Cancer Symposium of The Society of Surgical Oncology, March 2004, New York, NY, USA.
- Cheng TY, Tsai YC, Fang WT, et al. “Multidisciplinary Approach of Adenocarcinoma of Stomach- KFSYSCC Experience” in Symposium of Multi-Modality Care of Gastrointestinal Cancer, Koo-Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center, July 2005, Taipei, Taiwan
- Cheng TY, Tsai YC, Fang WT, et al. “Chemoradiation after Radical Gastrectomy for Resectable Gastric Cancer Decreases Distant Node Recurrence and Tends to Improve Survival” (Poster presentation) in 59th Annual Cancer Symposium of The Society of Surgical Oncology, March 2006, San Diego, California, USA
- Cheng TY, Lee MY, Lin KJ, et al. “ Papillary Lesions of The Breast Identified at Pre-operative Tissue Diagnosis – Warrant for Surgery?” 10th Annual Meeting of the Breast Cancer Society of Taiwan, September 2007, Taipei, Taiwan (Award of Best Paper)
- Gallstone formation after radical gastrectomy for gastric cancer, Taiwan Surgical Society Annual Meeting, March 2014, oral presentation (張家瑗,程宗彥)
- Prophylactic unilateral central node dissection for cN0 papillary thyroid carcinoma,Taiwan Surgical Society Annual Meeting, March 2015 oral presentation (程宗彥,阮理瑛,施麗順)
- Sentinel Node Biopsy for cN0 Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma, Taiwan Surgical Society Annual Meeting, March 2015, oral presentation(程宗彥)