鄭尊義 醫師 Tsun-I Cheng
參與醫療團隊: 肝癌及上消化系癌團隊
- 消化系學
- 內視鏡
- 美國約翰霍浦金斯大學 公衛所 碩士 1983.09~1984.08
- 中山醫學大學 醫學系 學士1975.09~1981.06
- 和信治癌中心醫院 一般內科消化肝膽科 碩學主治醫師2012.01~迄今
- 聖路克醫院 內科 主治醫師 1995.07~1995.12
- 猶他大學 胃腸科 Fellow 1993.07~1995.06
- 韋恩州立大學 內科 住院醫師 1980.07~1993.06
- 美國MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston.
- 日本Second Red Cross Hospital, Kyoto.
- 日本National Cancer Center, Tokyo.
- 美國腸胃內視鏡學會
- 台灣內科醫學會
- 中華民國醫用超音波學會
- 台灣消化系醫學會
- 台灣消化系內視鏡醫學會
- MC Chern, VP Chuang, T Cheng, ZH Lin, YM Lin. Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Inferior Vena Cava and Right Atrial Tumors. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2008 Apr 22. [Epub ahead of print]
- LJ Kuo, MC Liu, JJ Jian, Horng CF, TI Cheng, CM Chen, WT Fang, YL Chung. Is final TNM staging a predictor for survival in locally advanced rectal cancer after preoperative chemoradiation therapy ? Ann Surg Oncol 2007; 14:2766-72. (SCI)
- YH Lin, LJ Kuo, AY Chung, TI Cheng, CF Hung. Endometriosis complicated with colonic obstruction. J Chin Med Association 2006, 69:47-50.
- Yi-Fang Chung, Tsun-I Cheng*, Thomas C. Soong, Mei-Hua Tsou. Xanthogranulomatous Appendicitis. J Formos Med Assoc 2005;104:752-4. * corresponding author (SCI)
- Tsun-I Cheng, Tsun-Jen Cheng, Shao C Chiang. Association of aspirin with eosinophilia in peripheral blood. Ann Pharmacother 2004; 38:2172. (SCI)
- Tsun-I Cheng, Andrew t. Huang. Excel in clinical teaching: principles and strategies. J Int Med Taiwan 2004; 15: 7-11.
- Tsun-I Cheng, Mei-Hua Tsou, Mei-Pei Tsai, Chiher Chen. Early MALT lymphoma. J Chin Med Assoc 2004; 67:145-8.
- Tsun-I Cheng, Mei-Hua Tsou, Mei-Pei Tsai, Chiher Chen. Early MALT lymphoma. J Chin Med Assoc 2004; 67:145-8.
- Tsun-I Cheng and Andrew T. Huang. Colorectal cancer incidence differs within ethnic Chinese. Gastroenterology 2003; 125:1913-4. (SCI)
- Tsun-I Cheng and Juei-Low Sung. Perioperative consultation for hepatobiliary diseases. J Intern Med Taiwan 2003; 14: 211-4.
- Tsun-I Cheng and Andrew T. Huang. Medical consultation - the role of an internist. J Intern Med Taiwan 2002; 6:282-5.
- Tsun-I Cheng, Jau-Min Wong, Cheng-Fang Hong, Skye H. Cheng, Tsun-Jen Cheng, Ming-Jium Shieh, Yue-Mong Lin, C.Y. Tso, Andrew T. Huang. Colorectal cancer screening in asymptomatic adults- a comparison among colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and fecal occult blood tests. J Formos Med Assoc 2002; 101: 685-90. (SCI)
- Tsun-I Cheng, Mei-Hua Tsou, Po-Seng Yang, Shing-Ming Sung, Vincent P. Chung, Juei-Low Sung. Dermatomyositis and erythrocytosis associated with hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol Gastroenterol 2002; 17:1239-40. (SCI)
- Tsun-I Cheng, Shu-Fen Feng, Kuan-Yee Chan, Vincent P. Chuang, Wei-Ling Penn, I-Wen Penn, Yue-Mong Lin. Abdominal pain caused by thoracoabdominal radiculopathy. J Intern Med Taiwan 2002; 13:200-3.
- Chiher Chen, Tsun-I Cheng, Chia-Chi Wang, Shang-Fen Chang, Chun-Chin Chen, Yu-Mong Lin. Safety and efficacy of nurse-assistant percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2002; 19:133-8.
- Jason Chia-Hsien Cheng, Jian-Kuen Wu, Chao-Ming Huang, Hua-Shan Liu, David Y. Huang, Skye Hongium Cheng, Stella Y. Tsai, James Jer-Min, Yu-Mong Lin, Tsun-I Cheng, Cheng-Fang Horng, Andew T. Huang. Radiation-induced liver disease after three-dimentional conformal radiotherapy for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: dosimetric analysis and implication. Int J Radiation Biol Phys 2002; 54:156-162. (SCI)
- Tsun-I Cheng, Po-Seng Yang, Chi-Ming Chen, Mei-Hua Tsou. VIPoma/watery diarrhea syndrome: report of a case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2001; 18:139-144.
- Tsun-I Cheng, Shuh-Yan Leu, Mei-Ching Liu, Wei-Tse Fang, James Jer-Min Jiun, Skye Hongiun Cheng, et al. Proposal for colorectal cancer management- algorithm. J Intern Med Taiwan 2001; 12:221-34.
- Jason Chia-Hsien Cheng, Vincent P. Chung, Skye Hongiun Cheng, Yu-Mong Lin, Tsun-I Cheng, Po-Seng Yang, et al. Unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma treated with radiotherapy and/or chemoembolization. Int J Cancer 200; 96:243-52. (SCI)
- Jason Chia-Hsien Cheng, Vincent P, Chung, Skye Hongiun Cheng, Andrew T. Huang, Yu-Mong Lin, Tsun-I Cheng, et al. Local radiotherapy with or without transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. 2000; 47:435-42. (SCI)
- Tsun-I Cheng. Gastric and colorectal cancer screening - principles and data from KFSYSCC. Health Screening Association of Taiwan Annual Conference, 2003
- Tsun-I Cheng, Jau-Min Wong, Ming-Jium Shieh, Yue-Mong Lin. Colorectal cancer screening in asymptomatic adults- a comparison among colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and fecal occult blood tests. Gastroenterological Society of Taiwan Annual Conference, 2003.
- Chiher Cheng, Tsun-I Cheng, Yu-Mong Lin: Experience of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in cancer patients. International symposium of digestive endoscopy, Taiwan, 1999.
書藉 (BOOK)
- 鄭尊義 吳秋文,審閱德桃「癌症對策」-胃癌,德桃癌症關懷文教基金會。
- 鄭尊義 糞便潛血反應法早期診斷大腸癌。和信醫院與您院訊,2000年(15期)
- 鄭尊義 癌症預防專欄系列9,台灣最致命的癌症-肝癌。嬰兒與母親,2000年4月號(282期)
- 鄭尊義 癌症病房,致命的隱形殺手-胰臟癌。全民健康保險雙月刊,88年1月號(17期)
- 鄭尊義 早期胃癌,常無自覺癌症。常春月刊。88年6月號(195期)