陳行素 醫師 Shing-Su Chen
參與醫療團隊: 血液淋巴腫瘤團隊, 神經系癌團隊
- 一般放射線影像診斷
- 神經暨頭頸部磁振造影診斷
- 一般超音波診斷
- 神經放射線血管攝影診斷
- 陽明大學 醫學系學士 1978.09~1985.07
- 和信治癌中心醫院 放射診斷科 資深主治醫師 2002.3~迄今
- 臺北榮民總醫院 放射線部 主治醫師 1990.10~2002.03
- 臺北榮民總醫院 放射線部 研究醫師 1989.07~1990.9
- 臺北榮民總醫院 放射線部 住院總醫師 1988.7~1989.6
- 臺北榮民總醫院 放射線部 住院醫師 1985.06~1988.6
- 台北市醫師公會會員
- 中華民國放射線醫學會會員
- 中華民國神經學學會會員
- 中華民國神經放射線醫學會會員
- 中華民國醫用超音波學會會員
- Shing-Su Chen, Chui-Mei Tiu, Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang. Acrocephalo-syndactaly - two cases of Apert’s syndrome Chinese Journal of Radiology 1986;11(3):257-260
- Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Wan-You Guo, Cheng-Yen Chang, Tsuen Chang. Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament Chinese Journal of Radiology 1988;13(2):125-129
- Shoa-Lin Lin, Shing-Su Chen, Jinn-Ming Chang, Tsuen Chang, Jih-Min Shih, Fur-Jiang Leu, Chi-Woon Kong, Shih-Pu Wang, Mau-Song Chang, Benjamin N Chiang. Can acute myocardial infarction be detected by computerized tomographic scan? Acta Cardiol. Sin 1990;6:107-112
- Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang, Shing-Su Chen, Cheng-Yen Chang. CT guided biopsy for masses in the skull base and neck Chinese Journal of Radiology 1990;15(3):273-281
- Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang, 黃隸棟, Shing-Su Chen, Chi-Chang Chen, Cherng-Gueih Shih, 張俊寧, Liang-Shong Lee. 後顱窩內動靜脈廔管的栓塞治療及半年之追蹤檢查:A case report 臺灣醫誌1991;90(3):315-317
- Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Shing-Su Chen, Tsuen Chang. CT presentation of head and neck lymphomas Chinese Journal of Radiology 1991;16(4): 345-352
- Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Chi-Chang Chen, Shing-Su Chen. Arteriovenous Malformations of the cavernous sinus fed by dural branches of both internal and external carotid artery Chinese Journal of Radiology 1992;17(1)25-36
- Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang. Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome - case report and literature review Chinese Journal of Radiology 1992;17(3):281-286
- Wen-Li Leu, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Chi-Chung Chen, Cheng-Yen Chang, Tsuen Chang. Intracranial oligodendrogliomas: image findings in 26 cases. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1993;18(1):19-26
- Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Tsuen Chang, Cheng-Yen Chang. Computed tomography evaluation of chronic paranasal sinusitis. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 1994;53(4): 220-227
- Kuo-Ning Shao, Shing-Su Chen, Liang-Shang Lee, Shu Ma, Winby YK Chen. Maxillary trigeminal neurilemmoma with extracranial extension: a case report. Journal of Surgical Association, Republic of China 1994;27(3):2426-2431
- Michael MH Teng, Chi-Chung Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Liang-Shung Lee, Tsuen Chang. N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate for embolization of carotid aneurysm Neuroradiology 1994;36:144-147
- Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Tsuen Chang, Wan-You Guo, Phone-Ling Chen, Chung-Yuan Lee. Neuroradiology personal computer data base file and X-ray report system. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1994;19(2):157-163
- Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang. MRI of brain tumors Clinical Medicine 1994;33(6):374-382
- Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang, Cheng-Yen Chang. Hemifacial microsomia: a case report Chinese Journal of Radiology 1994;19(3):257-261
- Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang, Cheng-Yen Chang. Foreign body in the orbit and cavernous sinus. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1995;20(1):69-73
- Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Tsuen Chang, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-Yuo Guo, Chi-Chang Cheng, Wu-Chung Shen, Liang-Shong Lee. Embolization of carotid cavernous fistula by means of direct puncture through the superior orbital fissure. Radiology 1995;194:705-711
- Shing-Su Chen, Kuo-Ning Shao, Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-You Guo, Tsuen Chang, Cheng-Yen Chang. Facial nerve - normal anatomy and pathology. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1995;20(2):113-121
- Cheng-Yen Chang, Jen-Huei Chiang, Chien-Fang Yang, Michael MH Teng, Chao-Bao Luo, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Jeng-Hwei Tseng, Wan-You Guo, Tsuen Chang, Han-Hwa Hu. Basal ganglion calcifications: detection with MR imaging Chinese Journal of Radiology 1995;20(3):187-193
- Wan-You Guo, David HC Pan, RS Leu, Wen-Yuh Chung, Cheng-Yin Shiau, Shing-Su Chen, CY Chang, KY Chen, SH Yeh, LS Lee. Early irradiation effects observed on magnetic resonance imaging and angiography, and positron emission tomography for arteriovenous malformations treated by gamma knife radiosurgery. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 1995;64(suppl 1):258-269
- Shing-Su Chen, Kuo-Ning Shao, Cheng-Yen Chang, Jen-Huey Chiang, Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-Yuo Guo, Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang,. MR evaluation of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament Chinese Journal of Radiology 1996;21(1):7-13
- Chao-Bao Luo, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Ming-Shen Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-Yuo Guo, Tsuen Chang, Cheng-Yen Chang. Septic dural sinus thrombosis: CT findings. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1996;22(2):67-73
- Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang, Chien-Fang Yang, Jen-Huey Chiang, Cheng-Gueih Shy, Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-Yuo Guo. Carotid caverous fistula: 10 years experience of embolization. Advances in interventional neuroradiology and intravascular neurosurgery 1996:243-246
- Shing-Su Chen, Kuo-Ning Shao, Chao-Bao Luo, Jen-Huey Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-Yuo Guo, Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang. Otospongiotic otosclerosis. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1996;21(5):287-289
- Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Jen-Huey Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang, Kuo-Ning Shao, Wan-Yuo Guo, Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang. The large vestibular aqueduct syndrome. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1997; 22(1):23-26
- Chao-Bao Luo, Michael MH Teng, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-Yuo Guo, Gong-Yau Lan, Cheng-Yen Chang, Tsuen Chang. MRI and CT evaluation of cartilage invasion of laryngeal carcinoma. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1997;22(2):67-73
- Shing-Su Chen. Emergent cranial computed tomography Clinical Medicine 1997;39(6):334-342
- Shing-Su Chen, Kuo-Ning Shao, Chao-Bao Luo, Cheng-Yen Chang, Jen-Huey Chiang, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-Yuo Guo, Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang. Application of high resolution computed tomography in patients with congenital deafness. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1997;22(3):99-103
- Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Wan-Yuo Guo. Imaging Diagnosis of thoracolumbar trauma. Clinical Medicine 1997;40(2):83-92
- Chao-Bao Luo, Michael MH Teng, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-Yuo Guo, Gong-Yau Lan, Tsuen Chang. Intracranial ganglioglioma: CT and MRI findings The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 1997;13(8):467-474
- Feng-Chi Change, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Wan-Yuo Guo, Jen-Huei Chiang, Michael MH Teng. Wegener’s ganulomatosis: image findings in head and neck.. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1997;22(5):199-205
- Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Jen-Huei Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-Yuo Guo, Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang High resolution computed tomography of temporal bone fracture Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 1998;61:127-133
- Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-Yuo Guo, Tsuen Chang. Endovascular embolization of arteriovenous fistulas of the external carotid artery. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 1998;61:260-266
- Tein-Yow Chang, Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Wan-Yuo Guo, Tsuen Chang, Cheng-Yen Chang. Glomus caroticum tumors: evaluation with CT and MRI. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1998;23:99-103
- Chao-Bao Luo, Michael MH Teng, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-Yuo Guo, Tsuen Chang. Orbital invasion in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: evaluation with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei);1998:61:382-388
- Michael MH Teng, Adrian Jy Kang Liou, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Chao-Bao Luo, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-Yuo Guo, Jen-Huei Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang, Chien-Fan Yang. CT angiography for detecting intracranial occlusive arterial disease: various parameters. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1998;23(5):137-141
- Michael MH Teng, Yi-Hsuan Kao, Hui-Cheng Cheng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Chao-Bao Luo, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-Yuo Guo, Jen-Huei Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang. The value of DWI in the diagnosis of cerebral infarction and ischemia. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1998;23(5):121-126
- Shing-Su Chen, Kuo-Ning Shao, Ray-Jer Feng, Liang-Shong Lee Meningoceles without neurofibromatosis: a case report Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 1998;61:736-740
- Lin Jeong-Shi, Tzeng Cheng-Hwai, Hu Hui-Yu, Yung Chien-Hui, Chen Shing-Su, Guo Wan-You, Chian Jen-Huey, Chang Cheng-Yen, Yang Chien-Fang, Preaphersis platelet count is an important predictor of autologous peripheral blood progenitor cell yield. Transfusion 1998;38:S108
- Shing-Su Chen, Kuo-Ning Shao, Jen-Huei Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang, Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng Arachnoid granulations-computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging features: a case report Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 1999;62:46-50
- Shing-Su Chen High resolution CT of temporal bone. Clinical Medicine 1999;43:138-143
- Pei-Ning Wang, Shing-Su Chen, Hsiu-Chih Liu, Jong-Ling Fuh, Benjamin Ing-Tiau Kuo, Shuu-Jiun Wang. Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine: A case-control risk factor study. Spine 1999;24;142-145.
- Shing-Su Chen, Kuo-Ning Shao, Jen-Huei Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang, Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng. Intracranial pathology: comparison of intraoperative ultrasonography with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 1999;62:521-528.
- Feng-Chi Change, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Wan-Yuo Guo, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang. Spontaneous intracranial hypotension associated with simutaneous rupture of multiple perineural cysts. Chinese Journal of Radiology 1999;24(4):167-170
- Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Kuo-Ning Shao, Jen-Huei Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang, Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng. Magnetic resonance imaging of unilateral olivary hypertrophy due to pontine tegmental hemorrhage: a case report. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 1999;62:648-651.
- Shing-Su Chen, Jen-Huei Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang, Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng. Giant cell reparative granuloma: a case report. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 1999;62:738-742.
- Kuo-Ning Shao, Shing-Su Chen, Liang-Shang Lee. Intraoperative neurosurgical ultrasonography. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 1999;62(11):775-781.
- Chao-Bao Luo, Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Feng-Chi Chang, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-You Guo, Cheng-Yen Chang,. Endovascular embolization for intractable epistaxis. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 2000;63:205-212
- Wei-Hsin Yuan, Michael MH Teng, Hui-Chen Hsu, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Feng-Chi Chang, Chao-Bao Luo, Wan-You Guo, Jen-Huey Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang. Image evaluation of suprazygomatic masticatory space lesions. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 2001;17:139-149
- Shu-Huei Shen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Feng-Chi Chang, Jing-Ying Lee, Chao-Bao Luo, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang. Magnetic resonance imaging appearance of intradural spinal lipoma. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 2001;64:364-368
- Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Feng-Chi Chang, Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Cheng-Yen Chang, Jen-Huey Chiang,. Dural arteriovenous fistula of the cavernous sinus with brainstem edema. Chinese Journal of Radiology 2001;26:153-157
- Dura-arachnoid metastasis The 56th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2007
- Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Wan-You Guo, Cheng-Yen Chang, Tsuen Chang: Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. Free Paper The 37th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1988
- Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Chi-Chang Chen, Tsuen Chang: Sinusitis in Chinese population. Free Paper The 42th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1993
- Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Chi-Chang Chen, Shing-Su Chen, Tsuen Chang: CT in evaluation of parotid space lesions. Free Paper The 42th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1993
- Chi-Chang Chen, Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Yang-Hsin Shih, Tsuen Chang: CT and MR imaging finding correlated with pathological results in complex partial seizure patients. Free Paper The 42th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1993
- Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Wan-You Guo, Cheng-Yen Chang: Facial nerve: normal anatomy and pathology. Free Paper The 43th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1994
- Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-You Guo, Tsuen Chang, Cheng-Yen Chang: Asymmetry of the pons and its relationship with displacement of the basilar artery. Free Paper The 43th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1994
- Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-You Guo, Tsuen Chang, Cheng-Yen Chang: The application of personal computer in making X-ray report. Poster Presentation The 43th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1994
- Wan-You Guo, David HC Pan, Kuang-Yao Chen, Wen-Yuh Chung, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang: A series MR studies on intracranial tumors irradated by a single session of high-dose focused gamma rays. Free Paper The 43th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1994
- Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-You Guo, Chao-Bao Luo, Cheng-Yen Chang: MRI of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. Free Paper The 44th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1995
- Yuan-Yu Hsu, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng: Surface anatomy of the cerebrum. Free Paper The 44th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1995
- Wan-You Guo, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, David HC Pan, Cheng-Yin Shiau, Wen-Yuh Chung, Cheng-Yen Chang: Irradiation effects observed on MRI and MRA for intracranial AVMs treated by Gamma knife radiosurgery. Free Paper The 44th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1995
- Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Chao-Bao Luo, Wan-You Guo, Cheng-Yen Chang, Jen-Huei Chiang, Tsuen Chang: Application of high resolution CT on patients with deafness Free Paper The 45th Annual Meeting and Scientific Assembly of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1996
- Mei-Han Wu, Shing-Su Chen, Hsiu-Mei Wu, Chui-Mei Tiu, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Chao-Bao Luo, Wan-You Guo, Cheng-Yen Chang: Imaging of primary brain lymphoma. Free Paper The 45th Annual Meeting and Scientific Assembly of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1996
- Jiing-Feng Lirng, Robert D. Tien, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Jen-Huei Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang: Dynamic morphological change of the fornix and mammillary body in patients with anterior temporal lobectomy or lesionetomy. Free Paper The 45th Annual Meeting and Scientific Assembly of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1996
- Chao-Bao Luo, Michael MH Teng, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-You Guo, Tsuen Chang, Cheng-Yen Chang: MR evaluation of laryngohypopharyngeal cancer. Free Paper The 45th Annual Meeting and Scientific Assembly of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1996
- Hong-Dar Wu, Michael MH Teng, Wan-You Guo, Cheng-Yen Chang, Hui-Chen Cheng, Chao-Bao Luo, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng: Dynamic MR study in pituitary microadenoma. Free Paper The 45th Annual Meeting and Scientific Assembly of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1996
- Feng-Chi Chang, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Wan-You Guo, Jen-Huei Chiang, Michael MH Teng: Wegener’s Granulomatosis: Image Findings in Head and Neck. Free Paper The 46th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1997
- Chao-Bao Luo, Michael MH Teng, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-You Guo, Gang-Yau Lan, Tsuen Chang: Intracranial Ganglioglioma: CT and MR Findings Free Paper The 46th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1997
- Shing-Su Chen, Kuo-Ning Shao, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Chao-Bao Luo, Jen-Huei Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang, Hsiu-Mei Wu, Wan-You Guo, Michael MH Teng: Application of High Resolution CT in Temporal Bone Fracture Free Paper The 46th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1997
- See-Ying Chiou, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Chao-Bao Luo, Hsiu-Mei Wu, Wan-You Guo, Michael MH Teng: Neurocysticercosis: Case Report 病例報告 The 46th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1997
- Michael MH Teng, Ying-Chou Sun, Zuo-Jun Shih, Jiun-Jie Wang, Chung-Chih Lin, Wan-You Guo, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Chao-Bao Luo:To Create Computer-Based Teaching Files of Neuroradiology Poster Presentation The 46th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1997
- Michael MH Teng, AJK Liou, Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Cheng-Yen Chang, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-You Guo: Parameters of CT Angiography for Detecting Intracranial Arterial Thrombosis Free Paper 2nd Congress of the Asian and Oceanian Society of Neuroradiology and Head & Neck Radiology 1997
- Chao-Bao Luo, Michael MH Teng, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-You Guo, Gang-Yau Lan, Tsuen Chang: MRI and CT Evaluation of Cartilage Invasion of Laryngeal Carcinoma Free Paper 2nd Congress of the Asian and Oceanian Society of Neuroradiology and Head & Neck Radiology 1997
- Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng: Intraoperative Neurosurgical Ultrasonography Free Paper 2nd Congress of the Asian and Oceanian Society of Neuroradiology and Head & Neck Radiology 1997
- Chao-Bao Luo, Michael MH Teng, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-You Guo, Tsuen Chang: Orbital invasion in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: Evaluation by CT and MRI. Free Paper The 47th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1998
- Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Chao-Bao Luo, Jen-Huey Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang, Wan-You Guo, Michael MH Teng, Tsuen Chang: Intracranial pathology: Comparison of sonography and CT/MRI. Free Paper The 47th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1998
- Ching-Yih Yang, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Chao-Bao Luo, Wan-You Guo, Michael MH Teng: CT and MRI appearance of gliosis mimicking a malignant tumor: A case report. Case Report The 47th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1998
- Hsiang-Yi Lin, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Michael MH Teng: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis on MR images: Two-case report and literature review. Case Report The 47th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1998
- Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-You Guo, Tsuen Chang: Endovascular embolization of arteriovenous fistulas of the external carotid artery. Free Paper The 47th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1998
- Jiing-Feng Lirng, Chao-Bao Luo, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng: Combining PTA and embolization to treat a case with ipsilateral severe internal carotid stenosis and traumatic C-C fistula. Case Report The 47th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1998
- Jiing-Feng Lirng, Der-Jen Yen, Hsiang-Yu Yu, Yang-Hsin Shih, Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Wan-You Guo, Michael MH Teng, Jen-Huey Chiang: MR findings of pilomotor seizure. Free Paper The 47th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1998
- Chao-Hsuan Yen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Michael MH Teng: Neuroenteric cyst with unusual appearance. Case Report The 47th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1998
- Michael MH Teng, Hui-Cheng Cheng, Yi-Hsuan Kao, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo: The introduction of DWI and its application in diagnosis of acute infarction. Poster Presentation The 47th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1998
- Kuo-Ning Shao, Shing-Su Chen, Liang-Shoon Lee Microsurgery of vestibular schwannomas Free Paper The 1998 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Neurosurgical Society 1998
- Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang: Falcotentorial fat. Free Paper The 48th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1999
- Jiing-Feng Lirng, Wan-You Guo, Chao-Bao Luo, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang: MR spectroscope (MRS) in evaluation of brain gliomas before and after radiotherapy. Free Paper The 48th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1999
- Chao-Bao Luo, Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Feng-Chi Chang, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-You Guo, Tsuen Change, Cheng-Yen Chang: Endovascular embolization of intractable epitaxis. Free Paper The 48th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1999
- Chun-Chen Liu, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Cheng-Yen Chang: Paraffinoma of the scalp: a case report. Case Report The 48th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 1999
- Michael MH Teng, Hui-C Cheng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Chao-Bao Luo, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-You Guo, Adrian Jy Kang Liou, Cheng-Yen Chang: MR DSA for evaluation of intracranial aneurysm after embolization with GDC. Free Paper The 49th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2000
- Jiing-Feng Lirng, Feng-Chi Chang, Michael MH Teng, Wan-You Guo, Chao-Bao Luo, Shing-Su Chen, Cheng-Yen Chang, Jen-Huei Chiang: MR in seizure patients: findings in 221 surgical cases. Free Paper The 49th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2000
- Jiing-Feng Lirng, Feng-Chi Chang, Michael MH Teng, Wan-You Guo, Chao-Bao Luo, Shing-Su Chen, Cheng-Yen Chang, Jen-Huei Chiang: Developmental brain anomalies in seizure patients. Free Paper The 49th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2000
- Chao-Bao Luo, Michael MH Teng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Feng-Chi Chang, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-You Guo, Cheng-Yen Chang, Clayton Chi-Chan Chen: Endovascular therapy of carotid artery rupture. Free Paper The 49th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2000
- Feng-Chi Chang, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Chao-Bao Luo, Wan-You Guo, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang: Spinal epidural hematoma: MR findings. Free Paper The 49th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2000
- Shu-Huei Shen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang: MRI appearance of intradural spinal lipoma – a case report. Free Paper The 49th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2000
- Shing-Su Chen, Feng-Chi Chang, Chao-Bao Luo, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang: Herniation of nucleus pulposus with calcification. Free Paper The 49th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2000
- Jiing-Feng Lirng, Yang-Hsin Shih, Donald M. Ho, Feng-Chi Chang, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang, Jen-Huei Chiang: MR findings and pathological correlations of the seizure patients with indolent glioma: the limitations of MR ?. Free Paper The 50th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2001
- Ching-Yih Yang, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Feng-Chi Chang, Hsiu-Mei Wu, Shing-Su Chen, Wan-You Guo, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang: Typical imaging findings of neurofibromatosis type 2 with multiple intracranial and intraspinal tumors: a case report with pathological correlation. Case Report The 50th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2001
- Hui-Chen Hsu, Michael MH Teng, Wei-Shin Yuan, Shing-Su Chen, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Feng-Chi Chang, Chao-Bao Luo, Wan-You Guo, Jen-Huei Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang: Lesions of the temporal fossa. Free Paper The 50th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2001
- Feng-Chi Chang, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Shing-Su Chen, Hsiu-Mei Wu, Wan-You Guo, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang: Combined intraarterial taxol and radiotherapy for advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck through superficial temporal artery approach: a preliminary report. Free Paper The 50th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2001
- Shing-Su Chen, Jen-Huei Chiang, Cheng-Yen Chang, Feng-Chi Chang, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Michael MH Teng,: The large vestibular aqueduct syndrome. Free Paper The 50th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2001
- Yu-Chen Cheng, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Feng-Chi Chang, Shing-Su Chen, Michael MH Teng, Cheng-Yen Chang: Cryptococcal infection of central nervous system: 25 cases. Free Paper The 50th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of the Republic of China 2001