陳榮隆 醫師 Rong-Long Chen
參與醫療團隊: 血液淋巴腫瘤團隊, 血液及骨髓造血幹細胞移植團隊
- 小兒血液腫瘤學
- 小兒科學
- 造血幹細胞移植
- 國立臺灣大學 醫學系 學士 1977.9 -1984.6
- 和信治癌中心醫院小兒血液腫瘤科主治醫師 2012.08~迄今
- 台大醫院新竹分院小兒部主治醫師2012.04-2012.06
- 台大醫院小兒部主治醫師1991.8-1998.7
- 花蓮慈濟醫院小兒科主治醫師(暨移植病房主任、骨髓移植中心主任)1998.8-2006.3
- 台南奇美醫院小兒血液腫瘤科主任2006.4-2011.12
- 中華民國小兒科醫學會
- 中華民國血液病醫學會
- 中華民國血液及骨髓移植學會
- Wang PJ, Chen RL, Shen YZ. Hypotonia, congenital nystagmus, and abnormal auditary brain stem response. Pediatr Neurol 1989; 5:381-3. (SCI)
- Teng RJ, Chen RL, Wu TJ, Lin KH. Clover-leaf nucleus of atypical lymphocytes in CMV-mononucleosis syndrome: Report of one case. Acta Paediatr Sin 1990; 31:379-82.
- Huang LM, Lee CY, Lin KH, Chuu WM, Lee PI, Chen RL, Chen JM, Lin DT. Human herpesvirus-6 associated with fatal haemophagocytic syndrome. Lancet 1990; ii:60-1. (SCI)
- Su IJ, Lin DT, Hsieh HC, Lee SH, Chen JL, Chen RL, Lee CY, Chen JY. Fatal primary Epstein-Barr virus infection masquerading as histiocytic medullary reticulosis in young children in Taiwan. Hematol Pathol 1990; 4(4): 189-95. (SCI)
- Chen RL, Su IJ, Lin KH, Lee SH, Lin DT, Chuu WM, Lin KS, Huang LM, Lee CY. Fulminant childhood hemophagocytic syndrome mimicking histiocytic medullary reticulosis in Taiwan: an atypical form of Epstein-Barr virus infection. Am J Clin Pathol 1991; 96:171-6. (SCI)
- Chen RL, Chang MH, Chen CL. Congenital intractable diarrhea with possible defective crypt regeneration: Report of a case. J Formosan Med Assoc 1991; 90:1194-9. (SCI)
- Lee SH, Su IJ, Chen RL, Lin KH, Lin DT, Chuu WM, Lin KS. A pathologic study of childhood lymphoma in Taiwan with special reference to peripheral T-cell lymphoma and the association with Epstein-Barr virus infection. Cancer 1991; 68:1954-62. (SCI)
- Chou YH, Chen RL, Lin KH, Lin DT, Huang PH. Hemorrhagic pericardial effusion in beta-thalassemia major: Report of a case. J Formosa Med Assoc 1991; 90:867-70. (SCI)
- Young C, Lin KH, Chen RL, Chuu WM, Lin DT, Su IJ. Infantile osteopetrosis: Report of two cases. J Formosa Med Assoc 1992; 91:85-9. (SCI)
- Chen RL, Lin KH, Chen BW, Su S, Lin DT, Chuu WM, Lin KS, Huang LM, Lee CY. Long-term observation of Pediatric aplastic anemia. J Formosa Med Assoc 1992; 91:390-5. (SCI)
- Hwu WL, Chen RL, Lin KH, Wang TR. DNA fingerprinting in the Chinese with an oligonucleotide probe (GTG)5. J Formosa Med Assoc 1992; 91: 839-43. (SCI)
- Horng YC, Chou YH, Chen RL, Tsou KIY, Lin KH. Congenital factor VII deficiency complicated with hemoperitoneum and intracranial hemorrhage: Report of a case. J Formosa Med Assoc 1993; 92: 85-7. (SCI)
- Lin KH, Chen RL, Lin DT, Lui LT, Lin KS. Bone marrow transplantation for pediatric patients with severe aplastic anemia in Taiwan. Transplant Proc 1993; 25 (suppl 3): 61-4. (SCI)
- Chen RL, Lin KS. Recent Advances in Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Acute Leukemia. Acta Paed Sin 1993; 34: 1-7.
- Tien HF, Su IJ, Chuang SM, Lee FY, Liu MC, Tsai TF, Lin KH, Chen RL. Cytogenetic characterization of Epstein-Barr virus-associated T-cell malignancies. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 1993; 69: 25-30. (SCI)
- Tsai CF, Chen RL, Su IJ, Jee SH, Tien HF. Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative disorders of granular lymphocytes presenting initially as cutaneous vasculitis. J Am Acad Dermatol 1994; 30: 339-344. (SCI)
- Chen RL, Hsieh KH, Su IJ. Omenn phenotype with feature of angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy in identical twins. Int J Pediatr Hematol/Oncol 1994; 1: 271-274. (SCI)
- Lin KH, Su IJ, Chen RL, Lin DT, Tien HF, Chen BW, Lin KS. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma in childhood: a report of five cases in Taiwan. Med Pediatr Oncol 1994; 23: 26-35. (SCI)
- Lin KH, Jou ST, Chen RL, Lin DT, Lin KS. Bone marrow transplantation for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in second remission or relapse. Acta Paed Sin 1994; 35: 487-94.
- Lin KH, Jou ST, Chen RL, Lin DT, Lin KS. Bone marrow transplantation for childhood acute myelogenous leukemia. Acta Paed Sin 1994; 35: 415-422.
- Su IJ, Chen RL, Lin DT, Lin KS, Chen CC. Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Infects T Lymphocytes in Childhood EBV-Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome in Taiwan. Am J Pathol 1994; 144: 1219-25. (SCI)
- Teng RJ, Chen RL, Lin DT, Lin KH, Lee CY. Cytomegalovirus-Induced Persistent Mononucleosis in An Infant. Acta Paed Sin 1994; 35: 221-4.
- Yu CH, Lin KH, Lin DT, Chen RL, Horng YC, Chang MH. L-asparaginase-related pancreatic pseudocyst: report of a case. J Formosa Med Assoc 1994; 93: 441-4. (SCI)
- Chiu HH, Chen RL, Lin KH, Lin DT, Lin KS. Recombinant a-interferon treatment of intracranial hemangioma and Kasabach-Merritt syndrome in an infant with cytomegalovirus. J Formosa Med Assoc 1995; 94: 261-6. (SCI)
- Chen RL, Lin KH, Lin DT, Su IJ, Huang LM, Lee PI, Hsieh KH, Lin KS, Lee CY. Immunomodulation treatment for childhood virus-associated haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Br J Haematol 1995; 89: 282-90. (SCI)
- Su IJ, Wang CH, Cheng AL, Chen RL. Hemophagocytic syndrome in Epstein-Barr virus-associated T-lymphoproliferative disorders: disease spectrum, pathogenesis and management. Leukemia & Lymphoma 1995; 19: 401-6. (SCI)
- Lee WT, Lin KH, Chen RL, Lin DT, Chieh CH, Tien HF, Yau Tsou KI, Lin KS. Congenital monoblastic leukemia in a newborn with a rare t(10;11)(p13;q21) translocation: regression after low-dose cytosine arabinoside and steroids. Int J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 1995; 2: 341-4. (SCI)
- Lin HC, Chen RL, Wang PJ. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoblobulinuria presenting as moyamoya syndrome. Brain & Development 1996; 18: 157-9. (SCI)
- Chuu WM, Lin DT, Lin KH, Chen BW, Chen RL, Lin KS. Can severe neonatal jaundice be prevented by neonatal screening for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency?--a review of evidence. Acta Pediatr Tw 1996; 37: 333-41.
- Chen JS, Lin KH, Lin DT, Chen RL, Jou ST, Su IJ. Longitudinal observation of non-familial childhood haemophagocytic syndrome receiving etoposide-containing regimans. Br J Haematol 1998; 103: 756-762. (SCI)
- Hsu YS, Hwu WL, Huang SF, Lu MY, Chen RL, Lin DT, SSF Peng, Lin KH. Niemann-Pick disease type C (a cellular cholesterol lipidosis) treated by bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation 1999; 24: 103-7. (SCI)
- Chen RL, Reynolds CP, Seeger RC. Neutrophils are cytotoxic and growth inhibitory for neuroblastoma cells with anti-GD2 antibody but can be growth stimulating if target cell interaction is ineffective. Cancer Immunol Immunotherapy 2000; 48(11): 603-12. (SCI)
- Yang CP, Hung IJ, Jaing TH, Lin KH, Lin DT, Lu MY, Liang DC, Chen SH, Liu HC, Hsiao CC, Shu SG, Chen JS, Chang TT, Chiou SS, Hsieh YL, Lin MT, Lee MT, Peng CT, Cheng SN, Chen RL, Chen BW, Lin KS, THE TAIWAN PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY GROUP. Treatment results of the TPOG-NHL92 protocols for childhood non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas in Taiwan: A report from the Taiwan Pediatric Oncology Group (TPOG). Acta Paediatr Tw 2000; 41: 193-204.
- Wang PJ, Chen RL, Shen YZ. Etiologies and etiological factors of childhood complex partial seizures of temporal lobe origin. Tzu Chi Med J 2000; 12: 209-216.
- Chen RL(Corresponding Author), Wang PJ, Hsu YH, Chang PY, Fang JS. Severe lung fibrosis after chemotherapy in a child with ataxia-telangiectasia. J Pediatr Hematol/Oncol 2002 Jan; 24(1): 77-9. (SCI)
- Jin Y, Chen RL(Corresponding Author), Wang PJ, Hsu YH, Chen HT, Chang PY. Sacrococcygeal germ cell tumor and spinal deformity in association with Sotos syndrome. Med Pediatr Oncol 2002 Feb; 38(2): 133-4. (SCI)
- Chou HC, Chen RL(Corresponding Author), Tsou Yau KI, Huang SF, Ni YH, Tang JR. Infantile choriocarcinoma with idiopathic massive fetomaternal hemorrhage. Med Pediatr Oncol 2002 Mar; 38(3): 203-4. (SCI)
- Ru HY, Chen RL, Lu WC, Chen JH. HBUB1 defectsin leukemia and lymphoma cells. Oncogene 2002 Jul; 21: 4673-9. (SCI)
- Chen RL(Corresponding Author). Infection-associated childhood lymphohistiocytosis. Acta Paediatr Tw 2002; 43 (suppl): 25-8.
- Chen RL(Corresponding Author), Lin KS, Chang WH, Hsieh YL, Chen BW, Jaing TH, Yang CP,Hung IJ, Peng CT, Shu SG,Lu MY, Jou ST, Lin KH, Lin DT, Lin MT,Chen JS, Liu HC, Chen SH, Liang DC, Chiou SS, Chang TT,Sheen JM, Hsiao CC, Cheng SN, Lin JC, THE TAIWAN PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY GROUP. Childhood Langerhans cell histiocytosis increased during El Nino 1997-98: A report from Taiwan Pediatric Oncology Group. Acta Paediatr Tw 2003; 44: 14-20.
- Lin MT, Lin KH, Lin DT, Yang RS, Wu CT, Lu MY, Hung IJ, Yang CP, Chang TT, Shu SG, Chen RL, Hsiao TC, Chang WH, Lin KS. Unstratified Chemotherapy for non-metastatic osteosarcoma of the extremities in A.children, J Formos Med Assoc. 2003 Jun; 102(6) : 387-93(SCI)
- Lee MC, Wang PJ, Chen RL(Corresponding Author). Lumbosacral agenesis in a premature infant of a diabetic mother: Report of one case. Acta Paediatr Tw 2003; 44: 375-8
- Chen RL(Corresponding Author), Lin JC, Wang PJ, Lee CP, Hsu YH. Human herpesvirus-8-related childhood mononucleosis syndrome: A series of three cases. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2004; 23(7): 671-4 (SCI)
- Sun TB, Chen RL, Hsu YH. The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on human oral cancer cells. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine 2004; 31(2): 251-60. (SCI)
- Chen RL(Corresponding Author). Familial and viral-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Formosan J Med 2005; 9 (6): 760-767.
- Liang DC, Chang TT, Lin KH, Lin DT, Lu MY, Chen SH, Liu HC, Lin MT, Lee MT, Shu SG, Chang TK, Chen JS, Hsiao CC, Hung IJ, Hsieh YL, Chen RL, Cheng SN, Chang WH, Lee CH, Lin KS. Improved treatment results for childhood acute myeloid leukemia in Taiwan. Leukemia 2006; 20: 136-141. (SCI)
- Chen RL. Epidemiology of childhood cancer in east Taiwan. Acta Paediatr Tw 2006; 47 (suppl): 38-42.
- Chen RL(Corresponding Author), Chang PY, Hsu YH, Chang YH, Peng HC. Recurrent life-threatening hemothorax in an infant with pleurocutaneous Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma. J Pediatr Hematol/Oncol 2006; 28(9): 630-632. (SCI)
- Chen RL(Corresponding Author), Hou JW, Chang PY, Tsai FJ, Wang PJ. Matched unrelated BMT without splenectomy for a child with Gaucher disease caused by homozygosity of the L444P mutation, who also suffered from schizencephaly.J Pediatr Hematol/Oncol 2007; 29(1): 57-59. (SCI)
- Chen RL(Corresponding Author), Wu PL, Hsu YH, Kuo PL. Evans syndrome after unrelated cord blood transplantation for disseminated Langerhans cell histiocytosis in a child. J Pediatr Hematol/Oncol 2007; 29(5): 348-350. (SCI)
- Chen RL(Corresponding Author), Chuang SS. Silent idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis with iron-deficiency anemia but normal serum ferritin. J Pediatr Hematol/Oncol 2007; 29(7): 509-511. (SCI)
- Chen RL, Hsu YH, Ueda I, Imashuku S, Takeuchi K, Tu BPH, Chuang SS. Cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis with fatal haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in a paediatric patient with perforin gene mutation. J Clin Pathol 2007 (Oct. 1); 60: 1168-1169. (SCI)
- Chien JH, Tang JL, Chen RL, Li CC, Lee CP. Detection of BCR-ABL gene mutations in Philadelphia chromosome positive leukemia patients resistant to STI-571 cancer therapy. Leukemia Res 2008; 32: 1724-1734. (SCI)
- Wang TF, Wen SH, Chen RL, Lu CJ, Zheng YJ, Yang SH, Chu SC, Kao RH, Chen SH. Factors associated with peripheral blood stem cell yield in volunteer donors mobilized with granulocyte colony-stimulating factors: the impact of donor characteristics and procedural settings. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2008 Nov;14(11):1305-11. (SCI)
- Chen RL(Corresponding Author), Chuang SS. Transient spontaneous remission after tumor lysis syndrome triggered by severe pulmonary infection in an adolescent boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Pediatr Hematol/Oncol 2009 Jan; 31(1):78-80. (SCI)
- Young JH, Liu HC, Hsueh EJ, Huang ML, Peng CT, Chen RL, Maas-Enriquez M, Achilles K. Efficacy and safety evaluation of sucrose-formulated recombinant factor VIII for Taiwanese patients with haemophilia A. Haemophilia. 2009 Jul;15(4):968-70. (SCI)
- Liang DC, Yang CP, Lin DT, Hung IJ, Lin KH, Chen JS, Hsiao CC, Chang TT, Peng CT, Lin MT, Chang TK, Jaing TH, Liu HC, Wang LY, Yeh TC, Jou ST, Lu MY, Cheng CN, Sheen JM, Chiou SS, Wu KH, Hung GY, Chen RL, Chen SH, Cheng SN, Chang YH, Chen BW, Ho WL, Wang JL, Lin ST, Hsieh YL, Wang SC, Chang HH, Yang YL, Huang FL, Chang CY, Chang WH, Lin KS. Long-term results of Taiwan Pediatric Oncology Group studies 1997 and 2002 for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia. 2010 Feb;24(2):397-405. (SCI)
- Li JF, Huang Y, Chen RL,Lee HJ. Induction of apoptosis by gene transfer of human TRAIL mediated by arginine-rich intracellular delivery peptides. Anticancer Res 2010; 30: 2193-2202. (SCI)
- Chen RL(Corresponding Author), Chuang SS, Lu YH. Treatment of progression during reductive prophase for paediatric primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma using dose-adjusted EPOCH chemotherapy. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2011; 56: 1149-50. (SCI)
- Yang SF, Chuang WY, Chang ST, Liu H, Chen RL, Chuang SS. Pediatric follicular lymphoma: a report of the first 3 cases from Taiwan and literature review. Pediatr Hematol/Oncol 2011; 28: 661-668.(SCI
- Butturini A, Chen RL, Tang SQ, Hong CM, Peters J, Matthay KK, Reynolds CP, Seeger RC. Detection of bone marrow (BM) metastasis in neuroblastoma (NBL) by RT-PCR for neural and tumor associated genes. Proc Amer Assoc. Clin Oncol. 1996; 15: 468. (Abstract 1476)
- Chen RL, Hong CM, Peters J, Matthay KK, Seeger RC. Frequent expression of MAGE and BAGE genes by neuroblastomas. Proc.Amer.Assoc.Cancer Res. 1996; 37: 463-4.
- Chen RL, Yang YJ, Peters J, Reynolds CP, Seeger RC. Enhancement of antigen presentation/processing and MAGE/BAGE gene expression by interferon gamma (IFN-g) and 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine (5-Az-dC) in neuroblastomas (NBL). Proc.Amer.Assoc.Cancer Res. 1997; 38: 118.
- Chen RL, Reynolds CP, Kesheleva N, Handgrettinger R, Metelitsa L, Gillies S, Seeger RC. Neutrophils and mononuclear cells (MNC) are cytotoxic for chemotherapy-sensitive and -resistant neuroblastoma cell lines with an anti-GD2/GM-CSF fusion protein. Proc.Amer.Assoc.Cancer Res. 1999; 40: 355 (Abstract 2352)
- Wen S, Wang H, Wu HW, Chen RL, Reynolds CP, Seeger RC. Improved detection of rare neuroblastoma cells in bone marrow and blood by RT-PCR analysis of PGP 9.5 and tyrosine hydroxylase expression. Proc.Amer.Assoc.Cancer Res. 1999; 40: 709 (Abstract 4689)
- Chen RL, Wang H, Hong CM, Buckley J, Seeger RC. Oligonucleotide array expression profiling of 30 Cancer/Testis genes in metastatic neuroblastomas demonstrates heterogeneous expression and correlation with gender and MYCN gene status. Proc.Amer.Assoc.Cancer Res. 2002; 43: 280 (Abstract 1390)
- Chen RL. Current status of Buddhist Tzu Chi Stem Cells Center. 5th International Donor Registry Conference Book 2004 May S3-2
- Chen RL, Ro YC, Yeh SY, Lin DY, Hsu WL. Experience of peripheral blood stem cells collection from radial artery for unrelated donor transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2005; 11(2):S67
Liu BR, Chen CY, Chen RL,Chiang HJ,Huang Y, Lee HJ. Macropinocytosis: Possible mechanisms of cellular entry of arginine-rich intracellular delivery peptides. In: Chapter 8 of Endocytosis: Structural Components, Functions and Pathways ISBN 978-1-61668-189-0 Ed. Dowler BC 2010