李明媛 醫師 Ming-Yuan Lee
參與醫療團隊: 肺癌及食道癌團隊, 血液淋巴腫瘤團隊, 軟組織、骨骼肉瘤及皮膚癌團隊
- 血液淋巴腫瘤團隊
- 肺癌及食道癌團隊
- 軟組織
- 骨骼肉瘤及皮膚癌團隊
- 解剖病理診斷
- 細胞學診斷
- 血液淋巴腫瘤
- 肺癌及食道癌
- 軟組織、骨骼肉瘤及皮膚癌
- 美國杜克大學(Duke University) 實驗病理學研究所 博士班研究 1992.08~1995.07
- 國立陽明醫學院 學士後醫學系 醫學士 1985.09~1990.06
- 國立台灣大學 復健醫學系 理學士 1981.09~1985.06
- 和信治癌中心醫院 病理檢驗部解剖病理科 副主任碩學主治醫師 2010.04~迄今
- 國立陽明大學醫學院 兼任講師(病理學科及細胞診斷學) 2008.08~迄今
- 教育部 部定講師 2008.08~迄今
- 和信治癌中心醫院 病理檢驗部解剖病理科 資深主治醫師兼任代主任 2007.10~2010.03
- 和信治癌中心醫院 病理檢驗部解剖病理科 主治醫師 2001.10~2007.09
- 和信治癌中心醫院 解剖病理科 住院醫師 1997.10~2001.09
- 花蓮鳳林榮民醫院 內科部 住院醫師(公費生服務) 1990.07~1992.06
- 台北市醫師公會會員
- 台灣病理學會會員
- 國際病理學會台灣分會會員
- Khin Than Win, Ming-Yuan Lee, Tran-Der Tan, Mung-Pei Tsai, Armita Bahrami, Susana C Raimandi, Chih-Sung Chuang. Nasopharyngeal alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma expression CD56: a mimicker of extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2014 7:451-455
- Chao-Yu Liu, Bing-Yen Wang, Ming-Yuan Lee, Yu-Chen Tsai, Chia-Chuan Liu, Chih-Hsun Shih. The prognostic value of circumferential resection margin in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma after concurrent chemoradiation therapy and surgery. J Chin Med Assoc 2013 76:570-575
- Ming-Yuan Lee, Vincent P Chuang, Chao-Jung Wei, Tsung-Yen Cheng, Ming-Chih Cheng. Histopathologic correlation of hepatocellular carcinoma after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization with polyvinyl alcohol particle of various sizes. Euro J Radiol 2012 81:1976-1979
- Chung-Jen Huang, An-Chen Feng, Yueh-Fu Fang, Wen-Hui Ku, Nei-Min Chu, Chih-Ten Yu, Chia-Chuan Liu, Ming-Yuan Lee, Li-Han Hsu, Stella Y.C. Tsai, Chih-Shiun Shih. Multimodality treatment and long-term follow-up of the primary lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma. Clin Lung Cancer 2012 Sep 13:359-362
- Pei-Ing Lee, Dong-Ling You, Chia-Chuan Liu, Chih-Hsun Shin, Ming-Yuan Lee and Yu0Yi Huang. Dual-time point FDG PET-CT imaging of pulmonary sclerosing hemangioma presenting as solitary pulmonary nodule. J Cancer Research and Practice 2012 28:107-112
- Po-Sheng Yang, Pen-Hui Yin, Ling-Ming Tseng, Chin-Hua Yang, Chih-Yi Hsu, Ming-Yuan Lee, Chen-Fang Hung, Ching-Wen Chi. Rab5A is associated with axillary lymph node metastasis in breast cancer patients. Cancer Science 2011 Oct 102:2172-2178
- Yu-Yi Huang, Dong-Ling You, Mei-Ching Liu, Tran-der Tan, Pei-Ing Lee, Ming-Yuan Lee. Underperformance of Gallium-67 scan is greater in relapse than in initial staging, compared with FDG PET. Clin Nuclear Med 2011;36:867-871
- Po-Sheng Yang, Chii-Ming Chen, Mei-Chin Liu, Jer-Ming Jiang, Cheng-Fung Hung, Ben-Long Yu, Ming-Yuan Lee. Radiotherapy can decrease locoregional recurrence and increase survival in mastectomy patients with T1 to T2 breast cancer and one to three positive nodes with negative estrogen receptor and positive lymphovascular invasion. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2010;77:516-522.
- Tsung-Yen Cheng, Chii-Ming Chen, Ming-Yuan Lee, Kwang-Jane Lin, Cheng-Fung Hung, Po-Sheng Yang et al. Risk factors associated with conversion from nonmalignant to malignant diagnosis after surgical excision of breast papillary lesions. Ann Surg Oncol 2009;16:3375-3379.
- Yih-Lin Chung, Ming-Yuan Lee and Newman N.M. Pui. Epigenetic therapy using the histone deacetylase inhibitor for increasing therapeutic gain in oral cancer: prevention of radiation-induced oral mucositis and inhibition of chemical-induced oral carcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis. 2009;30:1387-1397.
- Mei-Hua Tsou, Shu-Fen Tsai, Kwan-Yi Chan, Cheng-Fang Horng, Ming-Yuan Lee, Ai-Ying Chuang and Ming-Chih Chern. CT-guided needle biopsy: value of on-site cytopathologic evaluation of core specimen touch preparations. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2009;20:71-76.
- Yih-Lin Chung, Ming-Yuan Lee, Cheng-Fang Horng, James Jer-Ming Jiang, Skye Hongiun Cheng, Stella Y. Tsai, Cheng-I Hsieh, Lawrence K. Yen and Ching-Yuan Lin. Use of combined molecular makers for prediction of clinical outcomes in locally advanced tonsillar cancers treated with chemoradiotherapy alone. Head and Neck. 2009;31:8-20.
- Ming-Yuan Lee, Vincent P. Chung, C-Y. Cheng, P-S Yang, Ming-Tsu Chern and Zoe Lin. The effect of polyvinyl alcohol particle size in the chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma followed by tumor resection: correlation with histopathological features. Histopathology. 2008;53(suppl. 1):260.
- Tsai-Jung Wang, Shu-Hsien Shu, Chun-Wei Lin, Lung-Fang Chen, Ting-Chao Lin, Hsih-Shin Chang Chien, Kwan-Yee Chan, Ming-Yuan Lee, Yong Alison Wang, Chung-Jen Huang and Chia-Chuan Liu. Thoracic chordoma: an unusual presentation of the spinal tumor. American Journal of Medical Science 2008;335:239-241.
- Ming-Yuan Lee, Tran-Der Tan and An-Chen Fen. Clinicopathological analysis of acute myeloid leukemia in a single institution: Biphenotypic acute myeloid leukemia may not be an aggressive subtype. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 2007;70:269-273.
- Tran-Der Tan, Ming-Yuan Lee. The shift of treatment for nasal and nasal-type NK/T cell lymphoma, ten years experience and prognostification analysis in a single institution. Haematologica 2007; 92(suppl.1): 263.
- Chung-Jen Huang, Kwen-Yee Chan, Ming-Yuan Lee, Li-Han Hsu, Nei-Min Chu, AN-Chen Feng, Chih-Teng Yu and Horng-Chyuan Lin. Computed tomography characteristics of primary pulmonary lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma. British Journal of Radiology 2007;80:803-806.
- Ming-Yuan Lee, Tsung-Yen Cheng, Wei-Tse Fang and An-Chen Feng. Clinicopathological analysis of gastrointestinal stromal tumor: nine-year experience in a single institution. Modern Pathology 2006;19(3):63.
- Ming-Yuan Lee, Tran-Der Tan, An-Chen Feng and Mei-Ching Liu. Clinicopathological analysis of 598 malignant lymphomas in Taiwan: Seven-year Experience in a single institution. American Journal of Haematology 2006;81:568-575.
- Ming-Yuan Lee, Tran-Der Tan and An-Chen Feng. Clinicopathological study of Hodgkin lymphoma in a cancer center in Taiwan. Clinical and Laboratory Hematology 2005;27:379-383.
- Ming-Yuan Lee, Tran-Der Tan, An-Chen Feng and Mei-Ching Liu. Clinicopathological analysis of malignant lymphoma in Taiwan according to WHO Classification: Low incidence of T/NK Cell lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma. Haematologica/The Hematology Journal 2005;90:1703-1705.
- Ming-Yuan Lee, Mei-Hua Tsou, Tran-Der Tan and Mei-Chun Liu. Clinicopathological analysis of T cell lymphoma in Taiwan according to WHO classification: high incidence of enteropathy-typed intestinal T cell lymphoma. European Journal of Haematology 2005;75:221-226.
- Yih-Lin Chung, Ming-Yuan Lee, Ae-June Wang and Lin-Fen Yao. A therapeutic strategy uses histone deacetylase inhibitors to modulate the expression of genes involved in the pathogenesis of Rheumatoid arthritis. Molecular Therapy 2003;8:707-717.
- Ming-Yuan Lee, Mei-Hua Tsou, Yahn-Kun Chiou, Daniel S. Cheng and Jeffrey S-H Tsung. Benign ovarian mucinous cystadenoma with extremely high serum level of tumor marker CA19-9: a case report. J Biomedical and Laboratory Science 2001;13:95-98.
- Ming-Yuan Lee, Mei-Hua Tsou, Mary H. Cheng, Daniel S. Chang, Alex Lien-Yen and Jen-Sheng Ko. Clinical application of NMP22 and urine cytology in patients with hematuria or history of urothelial carcinoma. World Journal of Urology 2000;18:401-405.
- Prognostic factors of the advanced esophageal cancer after concurrent neo-adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy followed by esophagectomy. Asian-Pacific International Anatomical Pathology. May 2011.
- Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma mimicking nasal NK/T cell lymphoma with bone marrow involvement at initial presentation. Asian-Pacific International Anatomical Pathology. May 2011.
- Long-term survival of mantle cell lymphoma. European society of Hematology. Jun 2010.
- The effect of polyvinyl alcohol particle size in the chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma followed by tumor resection: correlation with histopathological features. Annual meeting. International Academy of Pathology. September 2008.
- The accuracy of imprint cytology of sentinel lymph node in breast cancer: an analysis of the causes of the discrepancies. Annual meeting. European Congress of Pathology. September 2007.
- Clinicopathological analysis of gastrointestinal stromal tumor: nine-year experience in a single institution. IAP 100th annual meeting. September 2006.
- Glandular Lesion in malignant pleural effusion: Tall cell variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. Quarterly meeting. Taiwan Society of Cytopathology. April 2004.
- Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Cytomorphologic analysis, usefulness and limitations of fine needle aspirate biopsy. Annual meeting. Taiwan Society of Cytopathology. December 2003.
- Diagnostic dilemmas of fine needle aspiration biopsy of upper neck lesion. Taiwan Society of Cytolopathology. Quarterly meeting. May 2003.
- Diagnostic difficulty of soft tissue lesion of nodular fasciitis: 4 case reports. Annual meeting. Taiwan Society of Cytolopathology. December 2002.
- Fine needle aspirate biopsies of sarcomas with different cytomorphological features. Quarterly meeting. Taiwan Society of Cytopathology. May 2002.
- Case report. Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma. Annual meeting. Taiwan Society of Pathology. November 1999.
- Case report. Acinar cell carcinoma of pancreas. Annual meeting. Taiwan Society of Pathology. November 1997.