曹美華 醫師 Mei-Hua Tsou
參與醫療團隊: 頭頸癌及鼻咽癌團隊, 血液淋巴腫瘤團隊, 內分泌腫瘤團隊
- 解剖病理學
- 細胞病理學
- 免疫組織染色
- 血液淋巴腫瘤診斷
- 腫瘤組織庫
- 國立臺灣大學醫學院 醫學系 學士
- 和信治癌中心醫院 病理檢驗部 主任
- 和信治癌中心醫院 病理檢驗部 碩學主治醫師 2009.01~2015.04
- 美國安德遜癌症中心 臨床研究員 1994.07~1995.06
- 台北病理中心 解剖病理科 主治醫師 1993.08~1994.06
- 台灣臨床細胞學會會員
- 台灣病理學會會員
1. Tsai WJ, Tsou MH, Wang CH, Liu JD, Chen PH, Huang TW. Primary angiosarcoma of the spleen with liver metastasis: case report. J Intern Med ROC 1992;3:74-78.
2. Chiou GF, Lee TY, Gong GJ, Fann SC, Tsou MH. Kikuchi‘s disease: report of two cases. J Otolaryngological Soc ROC 1992;27:270-276.
3. Yu JJ, Chen WK, Wei MC, Tsou MH. Pulmonary siderosis: report of a case. J Formos Med Assoc 1993;92:S258-S261.
4. Tsou MH, Huang TW. Pathology of subcutaneous sparganosis: report of two cases.J Formos Med Assoc 1993;92:649-653.
5. Tsou MH, Lin HH, Ko JS. Riu’s stain and the cytologic diagnosis of thyroid fine-needle aspiration: a single cancer center experience. Diagn Cytopathol 1997;16:543-547.
6. Tsou MH, Lin HH, Chen CM. Intracytoplasmic crystals of alveolar soft-part sarcoma: demonstration by Riu‘s stain. Acta Cytol 1997;41:1234-1236.
7. Liu TT, Chou YH, Lai CR, Chen CM, Tsou MH, Lin HH, Tiu CM. Breast mass due to alveolar soft part sarcoma of the pectoris major muscle. Eur J Radiol 1997;24:57-59.
8. Tsou MH, Tan TD, Cheng SH, Chiou YK. Small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix with large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma component. Gynecol Oncol 1998;68:69-72.
9. Ch’ang HJ, Jian JJ, Cheng SH, Liu MC, Leu SY, Wang FM, Tsai SY, Tsao (Tsou) MH, Lin HH, Huang AT, Sung JL. Preoperative concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy in rectal cancer patients. J Formos Med Assoc 1998;97:32-37.
10. Cheng SH, Jian JJ, Tsai SY, Chan KY, Yen LK, Chu NM, Tan TD, Tsou MH, Huang AT. Prognostic features and treatment outcome in locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma following concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Int J Radiation Oncology Biol Phys 1998;41:755-762.
11. Tsou MH, Lin YM, Lin KJ, Ko JS, Wu ML. Fine needle aspiration cytodiagnosis of liver tumors: results obtained by Riu’s stain. Acta Cytol 1998;42:1359-64.
12. Cheng SH, Tsou MH, Chen CH, Leu SY, Huang AT. Establishing a comprehensive breast cancer data base in a new free-standing cancer center. J Chinese Oncol Soc 1999;15:29-40.
13. Hsieh CI, Liu MC, Cheng SH, Liu TW, Chen CM, Chen CM, Tsou MH, Huang AT. Adjuvant sequential chemotherapy with doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil (ACMF) with concurrent radiotherapy in respectable advanced breast cancer. Am J Clin Oncol (CCT) 2000;23(2):122-127.
14. Cheng SH, Tsou MH, Liu MC, Jian JJ, Cheng JC, Leu SY,and Huang AT. Unique features of breast cancer in Taiwan. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2000:1724:1-11.
15. Lee MY, Tsou MH, Cheng MH., Chang DS, Yang AL, and Kuo JS. Clinical application of NMP22 and urine cytology in patients with hematuria or history of urothelial carcinomas. World J Urol 2000;18:401-405.
16. Cheng JC, Chen CM, Liu MC, Tsou MH, Yang PS, Cheng SH. Locoregional recurrence of post-mastectomy patients with 1-3 positive axillary nodes without adjuvant radiotherapy. J Formos Med Assoc J Formos Med Assoc 2000;99(10):759-65.
17. Hsu LH, Chen JC, Tsai GJS, Tsou MH, Hsu WH. Thymic hyperplasia in a patient with Graves’ disease. Chin Med J (Taipei) 2001;64:115-120.
18. Cheuk W, Chan JK, Shek TW, Chang JH, Tsou MH, Yuen NW, Ng WF, Chan AC, Prat J. Inflammatory pseudotumor-like follicular dendritic cell tumor: a distinctive low-grade malignant intra-abdominal neoplasm with consistent Epstein-Barr virus association. Am J Surg Pathol 2001;25(6):721-31.
19. You DL, Liu MC, Tsai YC, Tsou MH. Gallium-67 scan in granulocytic sarcoma (chloroma). Ann Nucl Med Sci 2001;14:125-128.
20. Tsou MH. Clinical cytology. Formosan J Med 2001;5(5):542-551.
21. Cheng TI, Yang PS, Chen CM, Tsou MH. VIPoma/Watery diarrhea syndrome: report of a case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2001;18(2):139-144.
22. Cheng JC, Chen CM, Liu MC, Tsou MH, Yang PS, Jian JJ, Cheng SH, Tsai SY, Leu SY, Huang AT. Locoregional failure of postmastectomy patients with 1-3 positive axillary lymph nodes without adjuvant radiotherapy. Int J Radiation Oncology Biol Phys 2002;52:980-988.
23. Jian JJ, Cheng SH, Tsai SY, Yen KC, Chu NM, Chan KY, Tan TD, Cheng JC, Lin YC, Leu SY, Hsieh CI, Tsou MH, Lin CY, Huang AT. Improvement of local control of T3 and T4 nasopharyngeal carcinoma by hyperfractionated radiotherapy and concomitant chemotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002;53(2):344-52.
24. Hsu LH, Tsou MH, You DL, Hsu WH. Primary pulmonary paraganglioma. Chin Med J (Taipei) 2002;65:446-449.
25. Cheng TI, Tsou MH, Yang PS, Sung SM, Chuang VP, Sung JL. Dermatomyositis and erythrocytosis associated with hepatocellular carcinoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2002 Nov;17(11):1239-40.
26. Huang E, Cheng SH, Dressman H, Pittman J, Tsou MH, Horng CF, Bild A, Iversen ES, Liao M, Chen CM, West M, Nevins JR, Huang AT. Gene expression predictors of breast cancer outcomes. Lancet 2003; 361: 1590-96.
27. Jong YJ, Li LH, Tsou MH, Chen YJ, Cheng SH, Wuu SW, Tsai SF, Chen CM, Huang AT, Hsu MT, Lin CH. Chromosomal comparative genomic hybridization abnormalities in early- and late-onset human breast cancers: correlation with disease progression and TP53 mutations. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 148 (2004) 55–65.
28. Cheng TI, Tsou MH, Tsai MP, Chen C. Early gastric MALT lymphoma. J Chin Med Assoc 2004;67:145-148.
29. Huang YY, You DL, Yu BL, Tsou MH. Radionuclide sentinel lymph node scan and biopsy in breast cancer: the experience in a cancer center. Ann Nucl Med Sci 2004;17:185-190.
30. Pittman J, Huang E, Dressman H, Horng CF, Cheng SH, Tsou MH, Chen CM, Bild A, Iversen ES, Huang AT, Nevins JR, West M. Integrated modeling of clinical and gene expression information for personalized prediction of disease outcomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 May 19.
31. Kuo LJ, Chern MC, Tsou MH, Liu MC, Jian JJ, Chen CM, Chung YL, Fang WT. Interpretation of magnetic resonance imaging for locally advanced rectal carcinoma after preoperative chemoradiation therapy. Dis Colon Rectum. 2005 Jan;48(1):23-8.
32. Chung YL, Jian JJ, Cheng SH, Hsieh CI, Tan TD, Chang HJ, Hung CF, Horng CF, Soong T, Tsou MH. Extended-field radiotherapy and high-dose-rate brachytherapy with concurrent and adjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer: a phase I/II study. Gynecol Oncol. 2005 Apr;97(1):126-35.
33. Lee MY, Tsou MH, Tan TD, Lu MC. Clinicopathological analysis of T-cell lymphoma in Taiwan according to WHO classification: high incidence of enteropathy-type intestinal T-cell lymphoma. Eur J Haematol. 2005 Sep;75(3):221-6.
34. Tsai SY, Cheng SH, Jian JJ, Huang CM, Yen KL, Chan KY, Leu SY, Lin YC, Chu NM, Tan TD, Hsieh CY,Tsou MH, Lin CY, Huang AT. Brain stem doses for patients of T3/T4 nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated by bid irradiation and concomitant chemotherapy. Therapeut Radiol Oncol 2005;12(3):167-180.
35. Chuang YF, Cheng TI, Soong TC, Tsou MH. Xanthogranulomatous appendicitis. J Formos Med Assoc. 2005 Oct;104(10):752-4.
36. Tsou MH, Wu ML, Chuang AY, Lin CY, Terng SD. Nasopharyngeal biopsy imprint cytology: A retrospective analysis of 191 cases. Diagn Cytopathol. 2006 Feb;34(3):204-207.
37. Cheng SH, Horng CF, Clarke JL, Tsou MH, Tsai SY, Chen CM, Jian JJ, Liu MC, West M, Huang AT, Prosnitz LR. Prognostic index score and clinical prediction model of local regional recurrence after mastectomy in breast cancer patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2006;64(5):1401-9.
38. Cheng SH, Horng CF, West M, Huang E, Pittman J, Tsou MH, Dressman H, Chen CM, Tsai SY, Jian JJ, Liu MC, Nevins JR, Huang AT. Genomic prediction of locoregional recurrence after mastectomy in breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2006 Oct 1;24(28):4594-602.
39. Shih NN, Tsung JS, Yang AH, Tsou MH, Cheng TY. A unique pancreatic tumor with exclusive hepatocytic differentiation. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2006 Spring;36(2):216-21.
40. Cheng SH, Tsai SY, Horng CF, Yen KL, Jian JJ, Chan KY, Lin CY, Terng SD, Tsou MH, Chu NM, Chen HH, Chen PL, Chung YL, Hsieh CI, Tan TD, Huang AT. A prognostic scoring system for locoregional control in nasopharyngeal carcinoma following conformal radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2006;66(4):992-1003.
41. Chuu JJ, Liu JM, Tsou MH, Huang CL, Chen CP, Wang HS, Chen CT. Effects of paclitaxel and doxorubicin in histocultures of hepatocellular carcinomas. J Biomed Sci. 2007;14(2):233-44.
42. Chuang AY, Chang SJ, Horng CF, Tsou MH. Study of prostate cancer pathology in Chinese populations. Urology. 69: 915–920, 2007.
43. Lin YL, You DL, Yu BL, Chuang AY, Shih NC, Tsou MH, Lee PI, Huang YY. Radiation safety with breast sentinel lymph node lymphoscintigraphy. Ann Nucl Med Sci 2007;20:15-19.
44. Huang YY, You DL, Tsou MH, Liu CC, Lee PI. Primary pulmonary pleomorphic adenoma with high uptake of FDG. European Journal of Radiology Extra 62 (2007) 73–76.
45. Huang KK, Lu MC, Tsou MH, Lin CK, Cheng SH, Jian JM. Risk factors for ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ undergoing wide excision alone. Therapeut Radiol Oncol 2007;14(3):141-147.
46. Tsou MH, Tsai SF, Chan KY, Horng CF, Lee MY, Chuang AY, Chern MC. CT-guided needle biopsy: value of on-site cytopathologic evaluation of core specimen touch preparations. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2009;20(1):71-76.
47. Chuang SS, Chang ST, Chuang WY, Huang WT, Hsieh PP, Tsou MH, Liao YL, Lin SH, Hsieh YC, Lu CL, Sheu MJ, Liu H. NK-cell lineage predicts poor survival in primary intestinal NK-cell and T-cell lymphomas. Am J Surg Pathol 2009;33:1230-1240.
48. Wu SH, Yu BL, Chen CM, Yang CE, Tsai TJ, Lin CW, Cheng TY, You DL, Huang YY, Lee PI, Tsou MH, Lee MY, Chuang AY, Ku WH, Lin KJ, Jaw WC, Tsai WC, Yang PS. Experience with sentinel lymph node biopsy in early breast cancer patients at a cancer center. J Cancer Res Pract 2010;26(1):21-27.
49. Chuang AY, Tsou MH, Chang SJ, Yang LY, Shih CC, Tsai MP, Chen YL, Liu TM, Liao CH, Hsueh PR. Mycobacterium abscessus granulomatous prostatitis. Am J Surg Pathol 2012;36:418–422
50. Cheng SH, Tsai SY, Yu BL, Horng CF, Chen CM, Jian JJ, Chu NM, Tsou MH, Liu MC, Huang AT, Prosnitz LR. Validating a prognostic scoring system for postmastectomy locoregional recurrence in breast cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2013 Mar 15;85(4):953-8.
51. Wang WC, Tsou MH, Chen HJ, Hsu WF, Lai YC. Two single nucleotide polymorphisms in the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor gene in Taiwanese with renal cell carcinoma. BMC Res Notes. 2014 Sep 12;7:638.
52. Lu YH1, Chang ST, Yang SF, Weng SF, Huang WT, Hsieh PP, Hsu JD, Tsou MH, Chuang SS. Primary Intestinal Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma in Taiwan Showed a Relative Higher Rate of Perforation and EBV Association. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2015 Aug 5. [Epub ahead of print]
1. Sahin A, Sneige N, Tsou MH, Kemp BL, Atkinson EN, Ordonez NG. Assessment of angiogenesis of ductal carcinoma in situ ( DCIS ) and adjacent breast parenchyma. Modern Pathology 1995;8:24A.
2. Leu SY, Tsou MH, Lin HH. Mesenteric fibromatosis of ascending colon-a case report.
3. Tsou MH, Chang SJ, Yang LY. The association of biologic markers (p53, C-erb-B2 and Ki-67) with clinicopathologic parameters on urothelial transitional cell carcinoma. Annual Meeting and 19th General Scientific Meeting. The Urological Association of The Republic of China 1997;A47.
4. Lin KJ, Chou YH, Chan KY, Shih TTF, Chen CM, Yang PS, Tsou MH, Lin HH. Ultrasound-guided aspiration and localization of non-palpable calcified breast lesions. J Med Ultrasound 1997;5:33.
5. Tsou MH, Lin HH, Chen CM, Yang PS. The cytologic diagnosis of infiltrating lobular carcinoma of breast. The Society of Clinical Cytology ROC 1997;19.
6. Wu ML, Tsou MH, Ko CS, Chen CM, Yang PS. A modified fixation method of immunocytochemistry for estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor. The Society of Clinical Cytology ROC 1997;20.
7. Tsou MH, Wu ML, Ko CS, Chen CM, Yang PS. Estrogen receptor assay of breast cancer by cytologic smear and comparing with histologic section. The Society of Clinical Cytology ROC 1997;21.
8. Ko CS, Wu ML, Tsou MH. The quality control on specimen preparation of urine samples. The Society of Clinical Cytology ROC 1997;24.
9. Ko CS, Wu ML, Lin YL, Chen MW, Tsou MH. The procedures and applications of cell block. The Society of Clinical Cytology ROC1998:24.
10. Tsou MH, Lin KJ, Lin YM. Comparison of diagnostic efficiency between fine-needle aspiration and cell block preparation. The Society of Clinical Cytology ROC, 1998.
11. Tsou MH, Wu ML, Ko JS, Chen CM, Yang PS. Estrogen receptor (ER) assay of breast cancer by cytologic smear and comparison with histologic section. Acta Cytol 1998;42(2suppl):586.
12. Tsou MH, Lin KJ, Lin YM, Soong TC. Experience of fine needle aspiration of liver tumors in KFSYSCC. Acta Cytol 2002;46(1suppl):244.
13. Wu ML, Tsou MH, Yen KL, Lin CY. Imprint cytology of nasopharyngeal biopsies in Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center. Acta Cytol 2002;46(1suppl):258.
14. Chuang AY, Chang SJ, Tsou MH. Study of prostate cancer pathology in Chinese population. Modern Pathology 2004;17(1 suppl):146A.
15. Shih NN, Yen KL, Tsou MH. Adenoid cystic carcinoma simulating sinonasal papilloma: A potential diagnostic pitfall. Pathology International 2004; 54(s2):A89.
16. Chuang AY, Wu ML, Tsou MH. Rapid stamp cytologic interpretation of nasopharyngeal biopsy: usefulness and pitfalls. Modern Pathology 2005;18(1 suppl):62A.
17. Tsou MH, Cheng SH, Horng CF. Nasophayrngeal carcinoma: criteria supplement to WHO classification. Modern Pathology 2006;20(2 suppl):230A.
18. Tsou MH, Tsai SF, Chan KY, Horng CF, Lee MY, Chuang AY, Chern MC. Computed tomography-guided needle biopsy: value of on-site cytopathology evaluation of core specimen touch preparations. Taiwan Society of Pathology 2009/5/24.
19. Chuang AY, Tsou MH, Chang SJ, Yang LY. Mycobacterium Abscessus Granulomatous Prostatis. Modern Pathology 2010;23(1 suppl):185A.
- 曹美華,郭壽雄。癌症早期診斷現代技術:細針吸取細胞病理學;第21章:肝臟。人民衛生出版社,1999,北京。